Location: South of the present-day Sycuan reservation
Size: 608 acres
Fun fact: The KDLC is planning a Learning Landscapes program that will take place at Sloan Canyon. In this program, tribal youth will get to learn ethnobotanical and cultural knowledge from elders.
In 2013, the KDLC purchased the Sloan Canyon property from the Sycuan Band. This 608- acre property, located adjacent to the Sycuan Indian reservation, is part of the Kumeyaay homeland, and also contains many heritage resources for the Kumeyaay people. The KDLC will manage the property as permanently conserved open space.
As part of the management plan for the Sloan Canyon property, the KDLC will be closely
monitoring the Sweetwater River for changes in water quality and ecosystem quality. Through
grants from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and California State Off-Highway
Vehicles program, the KDLC is now able to support a study of biological resources and an
educational program for Tribal youth. This will also include an ethnobotanical study of native
plants in the Canyon. Additionally, the KDLC expects to manage the cultural resources on the
property well into the future.